Saturday, October 13, 2012


attended the lecture today on affect and cognition.
and learnt how people who are generally predisposed (as compared to contextually influenced) as affectively negative, are more likely to engage in systematic processing.

which may serve to provide a reason as to why i always have to read through every detail meticulously (slightly OCD-ish) and make a thorough and well-considered decision, instead of relying on heuristics and making snap-shot judgments.

therefore, it may seem that i can be said to be someone with general negative disposition.
but anyway i don't think this is anything new :\

something else i took away from the lecture was the mood-as-information effect, where we take our current moods and affective states, to serve as evidence from which we can draw conclusions and make judgments about various scenarios/targets. for example, a study showed that asking people to rate their life satisfaction on sunny vs rainy days, resulted in significantly different findings.

consequently, the first thought that came to mind was how to make use of such an effect. and clearly, mood can quite easily be manipulated (e.g. via music, deliberate thoughts, exposure only to selected stimuli etc) in order to "deceive" the self into believing that life is better than it really is.

and i believe that such deception can be quite easily achieved.

however, constant suppression isn't without its occasional leaks.
and the title of this post clearly sums up the state of the matter.

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