Sunday, October 23, 2011

ocean wide

life is like the ocean.
and we are mere boats, sitting on a vast expanse of water while the waves pass by beneath us.

as such, we all have our ups and downs; sometimes riding on the crest of a wave, and sometimes stuck in the troughs.

if we are lucky, we manage to stay on the crest for a nice period of time.
other times though, we are trapped in the troughs for too long... and life becomes gloomy because we cannot see the horizon.

i believe it is fair to say that as the waves pass us by, we will always alternate between being on the crests and being in the troughs.
therefore, we must always keep in mind that where we are at any point in time will not stay that way forever.

consequently, we should never take the highs for granted.
neither should we lose hope so readily during the lows.

of course, with a large wavelength, it may seem that the time between two crests can become uncomfortably long.... but it will not stay that way forever.

thus, let us sail on through the storms and ride on!
for i'd really like to know what lies beyond that shimmering horizon.

when she was just a girl
she expected the world
but it fell away from her reach
and the bullets catch in her teeth
life goes on, it gets so heavy
the wheel breaks the butterfly
every tear's a waterfall
in the night, the stormy night, she'd close her eyes

and so lying underneath those stormy skies
she'd say, "oh oh oh oh oh i know the sun must set to rise"

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