Wednesday, October 12, 2011

up, up, and back down

when down in a rut, it's very difficult to climb back up.

one could be stuck for a lengthy period of time... always trying to climb out, but falling back in repeatedly.
and times like these we really need a helping hand.

it's simply ultra-disheartening when the ones who are trying (i won't say "supposed" here because i don't see why anyone is obliged. perhaps the closest of friends?) to help you out throw their hands up in despair and just decide to give up. it's not like we're not trying to get out.

and sure, forget the effort i put in.
forget the appreciation i've shown, as well as the loyalty.

yes, we all have our difficult days.
and yes, we aren't infallible.
but i'd go so far to say that when you were in your rut, i did try my best to spread my sunshine into your darkness.
curses be upon me if this isn't true, and i shunned away when you needed a friend to be there.
in that case, then i don't mind this being karma coming round to serve justice.

"it may be stormy now, but it won't rain forever."
sigh somehow i'm unable to argue against this damn statement.

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