Sunday, November 6, 2011

cheers and snag

since ris low can invent new words&phrases like boomz, shingz, lehperd prinxxx, zskbra, rreehhhhd, laoood, and hospiti$nil#th*d@bility...
i think i shall invent a new word/phrase too. hahaha


yes i know SNAG stands for sensitive new age guy.
but from this day forth, i hereby pronounce it an acronym, which means you can just use it as a word (and not have to go S-N-A-G.)

it can be used to replace the expletive "f***", thereby reducing individual vulgar-levels, and is most commonly used in the form of "oh snag."

the next time you reach hall and realize you forgot to bring your laptop with you, remember not to say "oh f***!"

"oh snag" is kinda' like a disappointed and sad "oh shit" meaning.
much like when you buy a lollipop with the intention of giving it to the poor little kid you visit every week at the orphanage, and then on sunday when you enter his room and he breaks into a wide smile upon noticing your arrival... in that split second, you realize you forgot to bring the present that you promised him last week, and your heart sinks... "oh snag."

haha hen sian i hoped i entertained you for a bit there.
as with life, there are always ups and downs, pluses to go alongside the minuses.

so here's something else i came up with:

if you type it in msn it comes out like this:
(just imagine the hand emoticon overlapping the beer one slightly)

[edit made at 2:55am, 7 Nov 11]
omfg look what nathong found!