Sunday, September 25, 2011


i have this OCD thing going on where i simply must have 10 posts a month, or at least a multiple of ten 'cause it makes things seem neater this way.
and right now it's the 25th so that means i'm behind in my schedule!
(if you take the average rate to be roughly 1 post every 3 days.)
and so i'd better do some catching up even though it's been a swampy week with the gloomy midterms approaching.

now... admittedly, sometimes i post lyrics as blogposts.
and this has drawn a certain amount of flak from readers because apparently it just doesn't count as blogging.
haha but i beg to differ.

music is such a big part of our lives.
'cause without it, i think we couldn't survive.
and many a time we chance upon a particular song that just captivates us...
with its tune, its beat, its lyrics, its heartfelt words.

sometimes it just has to be shared!
and besides, somehow, whatever you wanted to say/blog about was beautifully encapsulated in that particular song.
although your audience might not understand the true underlying meaning of how exactly you relate to the words of that particular song, i believe that as long as the writer does, that's all that matters.
and hopefully years down the road, when we look back and read these posts again, we might have a faint recollection of why we chose to share that song.

this is just a reminder, and a tribute, to how big a role music plays in my life.
jamming, singing, playing the guitar.
randomly sampling songs on youtube.
chilling with the ipod amidst the mundane drone of public transport.
awesome stuff.

p.s. this blogpost is titled 'spaceman' in memory of alfi the company medic while i was still serving my time in 1SIR bravo coy. talented guitarist; he used to jam and sing in the bunk till late at night (:
incidentally, 'spaceman' is also the title of an awesome killers song.

and you know i might
have just flown too far from the floor this time
'cause they're calling me by my name
and they're zipping white light beams
disregarding bombs and satellites
and that was the turning point
that was one lonely night

the songmaker says "it ain't so bad"
the dreammaker's gonna' make you mad
the spaceman says "everybody look down"
it's all in your mind

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